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At Place of Worship we seek a walk of faith that is in line with what Christ and the apostles taught and lived. Our goal is to set aside traditions and teachings of men which violates the commandments of God and replace them with the truth of God's Word. We strive to reflect the church as God intended it, according to the pattern of the Old and New Testament.


Our sincere desire is to be a light to our community just as Jesus, our Savior, was a light to the world


Our mission is to reach out to unbelievers, teaching them to live according to God's Word and equippping them to become mature disciples of Jesus Christ, that they may go out and share the good news. 


 We are a warm and growing church, characterized by a family atmosphere. We value relationships and community and seek to grow and cultivate them


Pastor Andre and Geraldine were called and ordained by God as Pastors after serving God faithfully as leaders for many years in other ministries. Pastor Andre was ordained in 2006 as a Pastor and after serving for a couple of years, God released them in 2012 to start their own ministry:
Place of Worship


Their greatest desire is to make disciples for Jesus Christ. Inspiring people to know and follow Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Teaching them to live as disciples of Jesus Christ, rooted in the truth. Preparing a people that will serve God with their whole heart.

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Andre Johnson
Senior Pastor


Geraldine Johnson




  • God is one. The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit form one united Godhead


  • Jesus of Nazareth is the one and only Messiah. He is both Deity and man. He was born of a virgin; He was crucified, but was raised from the dead, His sacrifice paying for the sins of all who trust in Him as Savior.


  • All humans are in need of personal salvation and there is but one way for this Salvation, and that is through God’s grace by accepting His Son, the Messiah Jesus.


  • The Holy Spirit indwells Believers after one commits to Jesus.​


  • Sabbath, the 7th day of the week, was ordained as a day of rest by God at the end of Creation and was reaffirmed in the Law of Moses and later by Christ (Jesus).
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